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Download Steuer 2021: Alle Tipps und Tricks für Ihre Gewerbe- und Umsatzsteuer-Erklärung

Download Steuer 2021 Aldi: How to Get the Best Steuer Software for Your Tax Return


If you are looking for a reliable and easy-to-use software to help you with your tax return in Germany, you might want to consider downloading Steuer 2021 Aldi. This is a popular and affordable Steuer software that is available at ALDI SÜD stores or online. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Steuer 2021 Aldi, including its features, system requirements, price, and how to download it. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this software at the end of the article.

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What is Steuer 2021 Aldi?

Steuer 2021 Aldi is a Einkommensteuer-Programm (income tax program) that helps you prepare and submit your tax return for the year 2021. It is developed by Akademische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verlag (Academic Working Group Publishing), a leading provider of tax and legal information in Germany. The software is designed to be user-friendly and comprehensive, covering all aspects of your tax situation. You can use it to calculate your tax refund or liability, optimize your deductions, and file your tax return electronically or on paper.

Why do you need a Steuer software?

A Steuer software can make your life easier when it comes to doing your taxes in Germany. It can save you time, money, and hassle by simplifying the process and providing you with guidance and tips. Here are some benefits of using a Steuer software:

  • It can help you avoid mistakes and errors that could result in penalties or audits.

  • It can help you find and claim all the deductions and credits that you are entitled to.

  • It can help you keep track of your tax documents and receipts.

  • It can help you compare different scenarios and options to optimize your tax outcome.

  • It can help you submit your tax return securely and conveniently via ELSTER (electronic tax declaration) or paper.

How to download Steuer 2021 Aldi?

You can download Steuer 2021 Aldi from the official website of the publisher, . You will need to enter your personal installation code, which you can find on the packaging of the CD-ROM or on the receipt if you bought it online. You will also need to register with your email address and create a password. After downloading the program file, you can install it on your computer and start using it.

Features of Steuer 2021 Aldi

Data transfer from previous years

One of the features of Steuer 2021 Aldi is that it can automatically transfer your data from previous years, if you have used the same software before. This can save you a lot of time and effort, as you don't have to enter your personal and financial information again. You can also import data from other sources, such as your bank account, your employer, or the Finanzamt (tax office). This way, you can ensure that your data is accurate and up-to-date.

Support for different types of tax returns

Another feature of Steuer 2021 Aldi is that it supports different types of tax returns, depending on your situation and needs. You can choose from the following options:

  • Einkommensteuererklärung (income tax return): This is the standard option for most taxpayers, who have income from employment, self-employment, capital gains, rental income, or other sources.

  • Anlage N (attachment N): This is an additional form for employees, who have expenses related to their work, such as travel costs, home office costs, or professional fees.

  • Anlage R (attachment R): This is an additional form for retirees, who have income from pensions or annuities.

  • Anlage V (attachment V): This is an additional form for landlords, who have income and expenses from renting out property.

  • Anlage KAP (attachment KAP): This is an additional form for investors, who have income and expenses from capital assets, such as stocks, bonds, or dividends.

  • Anlage G (attachment G): This is an additional form for self-employed people, who have income and expenses from their business activities.

  • Anlage S (attachment S): This is an additional form for freelancers, who have income and expenses from their professional services.

  • Anlage Kind (attachment Kind): This is an additional form for parents, who have children under 18 years old or in education.

The software will help you select the right forms for your tax return and fill them out correctly.

Corona-Steuerhilfegesetz updates

Steuer 2021 Aldi also includes the latest updates from the Corona-Steuerhilfegesetz (Corona Tax Relief Act), which was passed by the German government in 2020 to provide financial support to taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the updates are:

  • A temporary reduction of the VAT rate from 19% to 16% for most goods and services, and from 7% to 5% for some reduced-rate goods and services, from July 1 to December 31, 2020.

  • A one-time bonus of 300 per child for families with children eligible for Kindergeld (child benefit).

  • A higher tax deduction for home office costs, up to 600 per year.

  • A higher tax exemption for Kurzarbeitergeld (short-time work allowance), which is a wage subsidy paid by the government to employees whose working hours are reduced due to economic reasons.

  • A higher tax deduction for charitable donations, up to 20% of the total income.

The software will automatically apply these updates to your tax calculation and show you how much you can save.

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Steuer-Tipp-Videos and online-webinar

If you need some guidance or advice on how to do your taxes, you can also benefit from the Steuer-Tipp-Videos and online-webinar features of Steuer 2021 Aldi. These are short videos and live webinars that cover various topics related to tax law and practice in Germany. You can watch them anytime on your computer or smartphone and learn from the experts. Some of the topics are:

  • How to use the vorausgefüllte Steuererklärung (pre-filled tax return) feature, which allows you to download your data from the Finanzamt and check it for accuracy.

  • How to claim deductions for special expenses, such as health insurance premiums, education costs, or alimony payments.

  • How to claim deductions for extraordinary expenses, such as medical expenses, disability costs, or funeral costs.

  • How to optimize your tax outcome by splitting your income with your spouse or partner.

  • How to deal with complex tax situations, such as having income from abroad, owning property abroad, or being subject to double taxation.

The software will provide you with links to access these videos and webinars and help you improve your tax knowledge and skills.

Steuerratgeber E-Book Steuerratgeber E-Book and interview mode

Another feature of Steuer 2021 Aldi is that it comes with a free Steuerratgeber E-Book, which is an electronic book that contains detailed information and tips on how to do your taxes in Germany. You can download it to your computer or mobile device and read it at your convenience. The E-Book covers topics such as:

  • The basics of the German tax system and the tax calendar.

  • The different types of income and how they are taxed.

  • The different types of deductions and how to claim them.

  • The different types of tax credits and how to apply for them.

  • The different types of tax forms and how to fill them out.

  • The different ways to submit your tax return and how to check your tax assessment.

  • The common tax problems and how to solve them.

The software also has an interview mode, which is a feature that guides you through the tax return process step by step. You can answer simple questions about your personal and financial situation, and the software will fill out the relevant forms for you. You can also review and edit your answers at any time. The interview mode is especially helpful for beginners or people who are not familiar with the German tax system.

ELSTER or paper submission options

Once you have completed your tax return with Steuer 2021 Aldi, you have two options to submit it to the Finanzamt: electronically via ELSTER or on paper. ELSTER stands for Elektronische Steuererklärung, which means electronic tax declaration. It is a secure and convenient way to send your tax data online, without having to print or sign anything. You will need an ELSTER certificate, which you can obtain for free from the . You will also receive an electronic confirmation of receipt from the Finanzamt. Paper submission is the traditional way to send your tax return by mail, with a printed copy of your forms and signatures. You will need to attach all the necessary documents and receipts to support your claims. You will also receive a paper confirmation of receipt from the Finanzamt.

Free hotline service

If you have any questions or problems with Steuer 2021 Aldi, you can also use the free hotline service that is available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. You can call the number 0800-100-7920 and speak to a friendly and competent customer service representative, who will assist you with any technical or content-related issues. You can also email your questions or feedback to . The hotline service is included in the price of the software and does not expire.

System requirements and price of Steuer 2021 Aldi

Windows compatibility and hardware specifications

Steuer 2021 Aldi is compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP operating systems. It requires a minimum of 512 MB RAM, 450 MB hard disk space, a CD-ROM drive or an internet connection for installation, a monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, and a printer for paper submission. It also supports Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera browsers for online features.

Installation via CD-ROM or download

You can install Steuer 2021 Aldi either via CD-ROM or download. If you buy the software from an ALDI SÜD store, you will receive a CD-ROM with the program file and an installation code. You will need to insert the CD-ROM into your computer and follow the instructions on the screen. If you buy the software online from , you will receive an email with a download link and an installation code. You will need to click on the link and download the program file to your computer. Then you will need to run the file and follow the instructions on the screen.

Availability and cost of the software

Steuer 2021 Aldi is available at ALDI SÜD stores or online from January 4, 2021 until March 31, 2021 or while stocks last. The software costs 14.99 per license, which allows you to use it for up to five tax returns for yourself or your family members. You can pay by cash or card at ALDI SÜD stores or by PayPal or credit card online. The price of the software includes the free hotline service, the Steuerratgeber E-Book, the Steuer-Tipp-Videos, and the online-webinar.

Conclusion and FAQs

In conclusion, Steuer 2021 Aldi is a great choice for anyone who wants to do their taxes in Germany with ease and confidence. It is a user-friendly and comprehensive software that covers all aspects of your tax situation and helps you optimize your tax outcome. It also offers various features and benefits, such as data transfer from previous years, support for different types of tax returns, Corona-Steuerhilfegesetz updates, Steuer-Tipp-Videos and online-webinar, Steuerratgeber E-Book and interview mode, ELSTER or paper submission options, and free hotline service. You can download Steuer 2021 Aldi from the official website of the publisher or buy it from an ALDI SÜD store for only 14.99 per license. If you have any questions about the software, you can check out the FAQs below or contact the customer service.

FAQ 1: What is the difference between Steuer 2021 Aldi and other Steuer software?

Steuer 2021 Aldi is a Einkommensteuer-Programm (income tax program) that is developed by Akademische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verlag (Academic Working Group Publishing), a leading provider of tax and legal information in Germany. It is a reliable and affordable software that is available at ALDI SÜD stores or online. Other Steuer software are developed by different publishers, such as Buhl Data Service GmbH (WISO Steuer), Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG (Taxman), or Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH (Smartsteuer). They may have different features, prices, or availability. You can compare them and choose the one that suits your needs best.

FAQ 2: How can I get the installation code for Steuer 2021 Aldi?

You can get the installation code for Steuer 2021 Aldi on the packaging of the CD-ROM or on the receipt if you bought it online. You will need to enter this code when you download or install the software on your computer. The installation code is valid for up to five tax returns for yourself or your family members.

FAQ 3: How can I use the vorausgefüllte Steuererklärung feature?

The vorausgefüllte Steuererklärung (pre-filled tax return) feature allows you to download your data from the Finanzamt (tax office) and check it for accuracy. This can save you time and effort, as you don't have to enter your personal and financial information again. To use this feature, you will need to register with ELSTER (electronic tax declaration) and obtain an ELSTER certificate. Then you can access this feature from the software and enter your ELSTER credentials. You will be able to see your data from the Finanzamt and edit it if necessary.

FAQ 4: How can I access the Steuer-Tipp-Videos and online-webinar?

The Steuer-Tipp-Videos and online-webinar are short videos and live webinars that cover various topics related to tax law and practice in Germany. You can watch them anytime on your computer or smartphone and learn from the experts. To access them, you will need to register with your email address and create a password on . Then you can log in and access these features from the software or from the website.

FAQ 5: How can I contact the free hotline service?

The free hotline service is a feature that allows you to call or email a customer service representative who will assist you with any technical or content-related issues with Steuer 2021 Aldi. The hotline service is available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. You can call the number 0800-100-7920 or email . The hotline service is included in the price of the software and does not expire. 44f88ac181


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